Grand Haven Master Association, Inc.

Private Lawn Maintenance (PLM)

PLM Damage Assessment Protocol

2025 PLM Information
Village Contractor Scheduled Service
Crossings Corey Enterprises Monday & Tuesday
Heritage Oaks BrightView Thursday
Lakeside Yellowstone Monday
Linkside BrightView Monday
Linkside East BrightView Monday
Linkside West BrightView Monday
Pine Harbor Yellowstone Wednesday
Reserve Corey Enterprises Wednesday
Riverwalk Corey Enterprises Tuesday
Village Oaks Yellowstone Tuesday

Recommended Irrigation Times (Minimum)

Type of head Covering Minimum Times*
Mister open areas 60 minutes
Mister constantly shaded areas only 45 minutes
Mister between houses 10' apart or less 45 minutes
Mister bush and shrub beds only 45 minutes
Rotors/Gear applicable in all instances 60 minutes

* The above times are based on watering ONCE weekly where irrigation systems have head-to-head coverage.

Odd house numbers - Saturday
Even house numbers - Sunday

Please review St. Johns Water Management District (agency responsible for water restrictions) website.
SJWMD Watering Days/Restrictions

Recommended Irrigation Times (**Newly installed sod**)
According the St. Johns Water Management District (agency responsible for water restrictions) newly installed sod can be watered everyday for the first 30 days upon installation. It
can then be watered every other day for the next 30 days.

Watering recommendations for EACH ZONE covering new sod:
            Days 1 – 30     60 minutes per zone EVERY DAY.
            Days 31 – 60    60 minutes per zone EVERY OTHER DAY.

Water Restriction Information/Resources
St. Johns Water Management District
City of Palm Coast